The Ozone Layer: Understanding Earth's Invisible Shield

5 B3TR
10 questions

Explore the ozone layer's role in protecting Earth from harmful UV radiation. Learn about its formation, threats from human activities, and global efforts to ensure its recovery.

Every year, NASA and NOAA track the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica as it grows to its annual winter maximum. In 2019, the hole was smaller than expected, due to an unusual weather pattern in the stratosphere.


Music: "Life Choices" from Killer Tracks
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Scientific Visualization Studio
Kathryn Mersmann (USRA): Lead Producer 
Ellen T. Gray (ADNET): Lead Writer 
Eric Nash (SSAI): Visualizer 
Paul Newman (NASA/GSFC): Scientist 
Susan Strahan (USRA): Scientist