May 26, 2024

What's New: Platform Enhancements - May 2024 Update

The Green Ambassador

Hello Green Ambassadors,

We are thrilled to share the updates and improvements that have been made to the Green Ambassador Challenge platform since our launch in April in this first blog post. 

Your feedback has been invaluable in helping us enhance your experience and further our mission of environmental education. Thank you!

Here is everything that happened:

New Challenges

  • Arctic Polar Vortex: Dive deep into understanding the complexities of the Arctic polar vortex, its impact on global weather patterns, and the importance of this phenomenon in climate science. 
    Try the challenge now
  • Sustainable Coffee: Explore the journey of sustainable coffee, from bean to cup, and learn how your choices can promote environmentally friendly practices in the coffee industry. 
    Try the challenge now

Account System Launched

View your rewards and manage your reward wallets from your account.

Our new account system provides better protection against bots and offers the convenience of saving your wallet address and invite code. It also stores your progress for all challenges. 

You can now log in using Twitter and Google, with Apple and Microsoft login options coming soon.

User Interface Improvements

  • Challenge Scores: View the scores of your previously taken challenges, helping you track your learning progress.
  • Progress Bar: A working progress bar now guides you through each challenge, offering a clear view of your advancement.

Citation System

Delve deeper and verify our content using our citation system

We are proud to introduce a comprehensive citation system for all our challenge articles. This new feature allows you to verify the accuracy of the information presented, ensuring that you have access to reliable and credible sources. 

By providing citations, we also offer you the opportunity to explore additional readings and delve deeper into the subjects of your interest. This enhancement not only enriches your learning experience but also fosters a culture of transparency and trust in the content we deliver.

Complete Admin Backend

A sneak preview of the admin panel

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new admin backend, designed to enhance our ability to manage all aspects of the challenges more efficiently. This advanced system streamlines our administrative processes, allowing us to oversee challenge creation, content updates, and user interactions with greater precision and speed.

With this upgrade, we can ensure that our content remains high-quality and up-to-date, and that the platform operates smoothly and reliably.

This enhancement not only benefits our team but also improves your overall experience by providing a more seamless and responsive environment for your learning and engagement.

News Section released

Stay updated with our new News Section, where we will share the latest updates, insights, and announcements related to the Green Ambassador Challenge.

Roadmap Release

We are thrilled to share our product roadmap, outlining the future direction and planned features for the Green Ambassador Challenge platform. This roadmap provides a detailed look at the exciting new developments and enhancements we have in store.

By visiting our roadmap, you can gain insight into our strategic vision, understand the upcoming features, and see how we plan to continue improving your experience. Stay tuned and explore what's coming next by checking out our roadmap here:

Visit our roadmap

Challenge Redo Option

By popular request, you can now redo challenges to try and achieve a higher score. Please note that while you can improve your scores, you will not earn additional rewards if you have already received them for that challenge.

Looking ahead

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is, "When will a new challenge be released?" We want you to know that we hear you and understand your anticipation. Over the past few weeks, our primary focus has been on preparing for the main net release of VeBetterDAO. This has involved rapidly building and refining our platform to ensure it meets the highest standards of functionality and performance.

If you take a look at our roadmap, you'll see that there are still many improvements and features on the horizon. However, we recognize that what matters most to you is the availability of high-quality learning challenges. That's why, in the coming month, we will begin to shift our focus towards delivering new, engaging challenges that will enhance your learning experience. 

We are committed to providing you with content that is not only informative but also inspiring and enjoyable. Stay tuned for upcoming challenges designed to expand your knowledge in meaningful ways.

Thank you!

We want to thank each of you for your feedback and votes for us on the VeBetterDAO platform, which have been crucial in guiding these improvements. Your participation and enthusiasm inspire us every day to create a more impactful and engaging learning experience.

Stay green and keep learning!

About the Green Ambassador Challenge

The Green Ambassador Challenge is on a mission to educate and motivate individuals to embrace sustainability through engaging and fun educational challenges. Join us in making a tangible impact on the environment while earning rewards along the way.

Stay updated and involved by following us:

Sustainability Education - Made Fun and Rewarding.

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